Our farm specializes in fresh, organic, pastured poultry on the Big Island of Hawaii. We are passionate about providing the community with a wholesome, local, fresh alternative to factory farmed supermarket chicken.
All of our chickens are raised outdoors on grass pasture and have constant access to fresh air and sunshine. They are sold as freshly dressed whole chickens that may be picked up at the farm on processing days, which is located in Kurtistown. They typically range from 4 lbs to 6 lbs.
Product | Price | Unit |
Chicken | $6.75 | Lb. |
Cut Up Service | $3.00 | Ea. |
Liver | $6.75 | Lb. |
Hearts | $6.75 | Lb. |
Feet | $0.25 | Ea. |
For an extra $2/bird, we offer cut-up service. Your bird will be cut into 9 pieces - 2 Breasts (boneless, skinless), 2 tenders, 2 leg quarters (thigh and drum attached), 2 wings, and back (neck attached). All will be placed in the same bag to be weighed.

Obviously, we are not able to compete with the prices of Foster Farms or Tyson. Raising chickens outdoors on pasture takes more time and energy than traditional confinement houses, but produces a superior product. Our chickens are fed certified organic feed along with the bugs and grass that they get on the pasture. We feel that our prices are fair to our customers and ourselves and will enable us to earn a modest living and continue farming. We have only once raised our prices by a modest 5% since we began our farm in 2013, which we have managed by increasing our scale to control our costs.

When it comes to food, you get what you pay for
Our chickens and eggs are of much higher quality than those available at the supermarket. Pastured chickens are better tasting as well as better for your health, the environment, and the local economy.
Chickens can be reserved using our online order form. Please contact us to be added to our email list and start feeding your family the most awesome chickens on the Big Island.