Our farm specializes in fresh, organic, pastured poultry on the Big Island of Hawaii. We are passionate about providing the community with a wholesome, local, fresh alternative to factory farmed supermarket chicken.
What's wrong with factory farmed Chicken?
The conditions of the conventional poultry industry have gotten so bad that we need an alternative here on the Big Island. Conventionally raised chickens come from crowded, filthy houses, with artificial lighting containing upwards of 25,000 chickens. They are routinely fed antibiotics and other growth promoting additives and receive several chemical baths during processing to remove the fecal contamination that is inevitable in mechanized processing lines.
There are also severe environmental impacts when manure overloads are generated, polluting surrounding land and water. On top of all of this, the farmers who are actually working to raise the chickens are making very little money, while the vertically integrated poultry corporations are making record profits. Our farm specializes in fresh, organic, pastured poultry on the Big Island of Hawaii. We are passionate about providing the community with a wholesome, local, fresh alternative to factory farmed supermarket chicken.

How do we raise our chickens?
Our Cornish Cross chicks are hatched by Asagi Hatchery, in Oahu, and shipped to us via Hawaiian Airlines cargo the next day.
The chicks are raised for 2 weeks in a brooder, which keeps them protected and warm when they are very small. We order certified organic feed from Modesto Milling in California, who source their grains domestically and test regularly for GMO contamination.
Fresh grass is cut and carried to the young chicks from day 1, so that they can get the benefits of vitamins and minerals from fresh greens during their time in the brooder.
After 2 weeks, they are big enough to be moved out to pasture.
They are placed in floorless 10x12 portable pens, which are moved daily throughout our pastures. The pens provide shelter from the elements and protection from predators, while allowing them to eat green grass and bugs and enjoy fresh air and sunshine. With daily moves, the manure is spread evenly which increases the fertility of the land without overloading it.
We continue feeding certified organic feed throughout their 5-8 week grow out period (depending on desired size of processed chickens). Although we are not "certified organic" and therefore not allowed to put it on our label, we follow organic methods including no use of chemicals on our pasture besides occasional fence maintenance, which is done when chickens are not in close proximity. We feel that we have a close enough relationship with our customers that certification is unnecessary, but would be happy to provide feed receipts to anyone upon request or let you peek in our storage shed that's always stacked up with organic feed bags.

How do we process our chickens?
When they are big enough, the chickens are slaughtered respectfully and carefully hand processed on the farm with strict sanitary protocol to ensure the highest quality of our product. We are proud to be the first farm in Hawaii that was approved by the USDA to operate under the 20K birds/year exemption. This means that we are exempt from having a USDA inspector present every time we process. The Hawaii Dept. of Health has also recognized us as an "approved source" and we have a state food establishment permit. This allows us to legally sell straight from the farm, at farmer's markets, to restaurants, and through retail stores.
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Order Form
On-farm pick-up time is from 2:00 - 5:00 pm Sunday afternoon at our farm at 17-462 N. Ala Rd. We process the chickens Saturday morning and you pick up the next day in the afternoon. This is a great opportunity to come see our farm and connect to where your food comes from.
When you arrive at the pick up location, we will have your fresh chicken chilled, bagged, weighed, and labeled for you. They typically range from 4-6lbs. Be sure to bring a cooler with some ice so that you can keep your chicken nice and cold for the ride home. We accept cash, check, EBT or credit card as payment, which is due upon pick up.
Please use our order form to reserve your chickens. (Advance orders are appreciated.)